Wednesday 23 January 2013

A small gathering of Orcs

My small horde of Orcs is taking it's time growing but it is growing little by little. More importantly I am making some (slow) progress at getting them painted. The command models to complement the plastic Orc boyz have now been painted and fit into the unit perfectly.

Some close ups to reveal all my flawed painting...

Now a group shot of the assembled horde. Led by the as yet unnamed lvl 20 Black Orc hero riding the Wyvern, a Skull Krusha keeps the troops amused, while a lonely Troll waits in the background (his friend seems lost in the post). 3 Orc archers on wolves trot down the road, followed by a lvl 10 Orc hero with crossbow riding a boar. 2 units of 10 arrer boys soften up the enemy before the unit of 19 boyz, a unit of 14 biguns and 9 Black Orcs close in to get their blades wet.

All in all this lot amounts to a little over 1000 points which is a decent start. I will be adding more Orcs and some Goblins to the list as well as an allied contingent of Chaos - Kaleb Daark, 5 Chaos warriors and 2 Minotaurs so far.


  1. Flawed? More like fantastic! The colours and techniques complement these classic miniatures perfectly. :D

    1. You are my new best friend Chris! Hahahaha. Thanks for the compliment. I do want to add a bit more variation to the skin tone though, still feels flat to me.

  2. Fantastic indeed! the MM20 command section looks the business with the Warhammer regiments orcs. I can't wait to see what you do with the Marauder orc favorite orc figures of all.

    keep up the good work

    1. I am painting up the arrer boyz first then I will move onto the marauder unit. They are lovely miniatures so I hope I can do them justice. I can do with a few more of these guys!

  3. Lovely, lovely orcs... Will we see them completed for Oldhammer Day this summer?

  4. They may well be completed by then - or at least mostly done - but unfortunately I won't be at Oldhammer Day as I am a continent away. Wish I could be there though.

  5. That's a great looking unit - I want one now!

    Shame most of my plastic Orcs didn't survive...

    1. Mine managed to survive extremely well. A few got their weapons snipped to become Blood Bowl players but I restored them where I could.

  6. Great looking unit and a fun army. I like mix of figures! Looking forward to seeing the whole force painted up and fighting on that terrain. That set-up is going to look stellar once you've got all the boys painted.

    1. I am also looking forward to seeing the lot painted ;) I am very happy with how they are coming together, even the bright green skin tone is quite appealing. I am going to make the Black Orcs much much darker, and the Goblins are going to have a more Khaki/ beige skin tone.

  7. Your orcs are great! Your painting is very efficient (and not flawed at all)

    1. Efficiency is certainly something I strive for :)
      I have been making an effort to try and speed up my painting and it has certainly made things less daunting when approaching a new project.

  8. The earthy colour tones you have used are great for the classic look. I'm looking forward to seeing how you paint the armour of the black orcs.

    1. Thanks man :)
      I haven't even begun to think about how I am going to paint them. I am a little worried that these particular models aren't quite big enough to be Black Orcs - I have a few of the Olley Black Orcs which I think are more fitting but I am not sure if I will be able to find enough of them to make a decent sized unit.

  9. I always felt that the marauder orcs and the fantasy regiments orcs shouldn't be mixed. Too different a style, I wasn't convinced when I saw you start to put the unit together.

    I am very happy to be proved wrong by a stunning unit that really works.

    1. Thanks Erny. I wish I could say it was all by design but truth is its all just a case of using what I had :)

  10. Do I see Eeza Ugezod's Mother Crushers there undercoated at the front, I ebayed mine and the death comandos and harboths black mountain boys...gutted

    1. That's them alright. They are great models but I am not convinced they fit with the rest of the army. It's something I have to spend some time thinking about really. Eeza Ugezod is a wonderful model that I am proud to have though.

  11. They are really classic miniatures I really loved the style of the Nick lunds Chronicle figs, they were quite barbaric and conveyed the savage nature of Orcs, Hobgoblins, Goblins and Kobolds, loving your army dude

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  13. Great job on growing your horde of Orcs and making progress on painting them! The close-up shots reveal your attention to detail, despite the flaws. Speaking of details, I wonder if you keep track of your miniature collection by scanning receipts. How Many Receipts Are Scanned On Fetch In February? ;)
